Accredited Methods

Accredited Methods

K2 Environmental is accredited by International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ) for the methods listed in the tables below.


This means we have been assessed and found to be performing in a professional and technically reliable way in accordance with international standards.

Certificate of Accreditation
Christchurch Office

Certificate of Accreditation
Auckland Office

Asbestos Sampling

Sampling of asbestos for bulk identificationIn-house method based on OHS P402 guidance notes
Sampling of airborne asbestos fibresNOHSC:3003(2005)


Asbestos Analysis

Bulk identification of asbestosAS 4964:2004
Asbestos fibre countingNOHSC:3003(2005)


Air Discharge Sampling


NCASI (National Council for Air and Steam Improvement) Methods

USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) Methods
Sample Traverses, Flows, Molecular Weight, Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen and Moisture1, 1A, 2, 3, 3A and 4
Particulate (in stack/out of stack)5 and 17
Sulphur Dioxide (midget impingers/instrumental) and Sulphur Trioxide (large impingers)6, 6C, 8 and 8A
Oxides of Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide (NDIR)7E and 10
Hydrogen Sulphide, Total Reduced Sulphur11 and 16A
Total Fluoride, Hydrogen Chloride, Halides, Halogens, Fluoride and Hydrochloric Acid Mist, Hydrogen Cyanide13B, 26, 26A and CTM 033
Volatile Organic Compounds18
Trace Metals29
Formaldehyde, Aldehydes and Ketones316, 323 and 0011
Dioxins and PCBs0023A
AmmoniaCTM 027
MDI (methylene diphenyl diisocyanates), IsocyanatesCTM 031 and CTM 036
PM10 and PM2.5, Condensable ParticulateOTM 027, OTM 028, 201A and 202
British Standard, European and ISO Methods
Volatile Organic CompoundsBS EN 13649:2002
Trace MetalsEN 14385:2004
Velocity and Flow RatesISO 10780
ParticulateISO 9096:2017
Australia/New Zealand Standards
Total Particulate MatterAS 4323.2:2023
Odour ConcentrationAS/NZS 4323.3:2001
NCASI (National Council for Air and Steam Improvement) Methods
Formaldehyde, Methanol and PhenolNCASI CI/WP-98.01
Chlorine and Chlorine DioxideNCASI Method 03.B.001

Air Discharge Analysis

USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) Methods
Particulate (in stack/out of stack)5 and 17
Sulphur dioxide/Sulphur trioxide/Total Reduced Sulphur6, 8, 8A and 16A
PM10 and PM2.5, Condensable ParticulateOTM 27, OTM 28, 201A and 202
Other Methods
ParticulateISO 9096:2003, AS4323.2:2023
Formaldehyde, methanol and phenolNCASI CI/WP-98.01
Chlorine and Chlorine dioxideNCASI Method 03.B.001
Formaldehyde StandardisationJIS A 1460:2001

Ambient Sampling

USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) Methods
Volatile Organic CompoundsTO17

Ambient Sampling and Analysis

High Volume Sampler - Particulate and PM10AS/NZS 3580.9.6:2003

Workplace Sampling

Diesel Particulate (Elemental Carbon)NIOSH 5040
Trace MetalsNIOSH 7300
OzoneOSHA ID-214
Isocyanates, MDI (methylene diphenyl diisocyanate)OSHA 42 and OSHA 47
Volatile Organic CompoundsBS EN ISO 16000-5:2007

Workplace Sampling and Analysis

Respirable Dust, Inhalable DustAS 2985:2009 and AS 3640:2009
Nitrogen Dioxide, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide (Indoor Air Quality Meter Instrumentation)In-house method based on AS/NZS 4641:2007
Sulphur MonoxideIn-house method
Carbon MonoxideNIOSH 6604
FluorideNIOSH 7902

Noise Sampling and Analysis

Sound Level MeasurementASNZS 1269-1:2005

Methamphetamine Sampling

Surface swabbing for methamphetamine (qualitative only)In-house procedures
Surface swabbing for methamphetamineIn-house procedures based on NIOSH 9111
Surface swabbing for methamphetamineNZS 8510:2017