Asbestos in Fuse Boards

Many fuse boards contain asbestos. Typically, the fuse boards which contain asbestos are black in colour. Asbestos tests have shown that Zelemite fuse boards contain asbestos. Asbestos can also be expected to be found in arc shields and generator brakes.

Asbestos tests have shown that material around a fuse board can often contain asbestos. This surrounding material is usually millboard which is 100% asbestos. This material is highly friable (gives rise to asbestos fibers).

Examples of millboard are shown on this website.

What are the Risks?

Asbestos tests have shown that there are risks involved in the following situations:

  • Backing material has been removed in an uncontrolled manner
  • Asbestos-containing fuse boards have been drilled to add new components, leaving deposits of asbestos-containing material
  • The backing material is in poor condition – running of wires and other activities has left deposited asbestos-containing material

If There Is Dust in a Fuse Board, How Do I Know It Is Free of Asbestos?

Contact K2 Environmental – we can collect a sample of the material and perform an asbestos test on it to determine if asbestos is present. We will either collect the actual material or take a swab of the bottom of the cabinet.

How Long Do Asbestos Fibres Remain Airborne?

The most hazardous fibres are very small in size. These fibres can remain airborne for months in unventilated rooms. Even if the fibres do settle, any activity in the area will easily re-suspend these fibres in the air.  It is good practice to remove the contamination and to verify that the air is free of airborne asbestos by carrying out an asbestos air test.

Personal Protective Equipment

If there is any chance of airborne asbestos material, then you must have a P3 mask. You must have a quantitative fit test on the mask. A quantitative fit test will verify that the mask is effective in filtering the dangerous asbestos fibers.

You must wear a set of disposable overalls, and shoes without laces (so they can be cleaned). The mask must be under the disposable overalls.