Asbestos Soil Testing and Site Investigations
We provide a range of soil testing services from presence/absence testing to site investigations.
Asbestos Soil Testing and Site Investigations
We provide a range of soil testing services from presence/absence testing to site investigations.
Sites with historical asbestos use are likely to have asbestos contamination in the soil. We can conduct a preliminary site investigation (PSI) for asbestos hazards. PSIs can determine if soil is likely to be contaminated and whether further investigation is necessary.
We can also provide testing for the concentration of asbestos in soil as well as additional testing such as lead and other metals if required.
You may be required to get soil tested if:
- you are subdividing land
- land use is being changed
- you are moving large amounts of soil
- you are refurbishing or demolishing a structure
- there is observation of a risk to public health
- there is observation of a risk at a workplace
The chosen remedial option will depend on many factors including the level of contamination and current and future land use. They may include:
- Removing just the surface of the soil
- Capping with a hard or soft layer
- Temporarily covering with a tarpaulin or similar
- Temporarily binding with a polymer coating
- Containing the area
- Complete excavation and off-site disposal
For more detailed information, see BRANZ New Zealand Guidelines for Assessing and Managing Asbestos in Soil.
A detailed site investigation or DSI, is a much more thorough investigation that will take into account other factors such as the soil type and land use.
This may not be necessary if it can be shown through a PSI or a site inspection that:
- the soil is not contaminated, or
- the soil contamination consists of ACM in good condition
- the soil contamination is in small quantities at the surface
- the soil is going to be removed or sufficiently managed
We currently only offer a preliminary site investigation (PSI) for asbestos hazards. However, we can sample soil for lead and other metal testing.
The Ministry for the Environment website has a list of activities and industries that are likely to cause soil contamination. If your land has been used for any of those purposes, you may need to test for other chemical contaminants.
We use the Western Australian guidelines for determining asbestos in soil concentration. This differentiates between contamination of ACM (asbestos-containing materials) and fibrous asbestos (FA) and asbestos fines (AF).
ACM is material that is larger than 7mm in diameter. This material is considered less hazardous as the fibres are generally bound in the material.
Initial soil sampling of the site will determine whether the site is safe, or whether further assessment or remediation is needed.
Further action is required if samples contain more than 0.001% FA or AF or between 0.01% and 0.05% ACM, depending on the land use.